We have a variety of programs to fit your needs. Many of our programs can be held at our Black Mountain BMX track or your own facilities. Contact us for additional information and to take part in a program today.
Too often people with cognitive or developmental disabilities have been unable to ride a bike or have been told by doctors and other health care providers that they will never be able to ride a bike. With the proper bike and a proven method to learn, this is changing!
For several years, parents of children with special needs all over the world have been approaching STRIDER ® and letting us know how life changing our bikes have been for their children. STRIDER™ bikes are providing a means for inclusive social interaction and play. Suddenly, a child that had previously been sitting on the porch while the other children in the neighborhood rode their bikes is now riding right alongside their peers, grinning ear to ear.
So, why is a STRIDER balance bike the best option for a person with special needs? Our bikes break down the overwhelming task of learning how to ride into a safe and natural progression; it's as easy as walking. With feet safely on the ground, a rider is easily able to maneuver and ride our lightweight bikes.
Strider bikes have turned individuals with Down syndrome, autism, low muscle tone, poor balance, arthrogryposis, and cerebral palsy into bike riding enthusiasts. We have received countless success stories from parents around the world.
STRIDER bikes are also proving to be FUN tools for therapists and teachers alike! What used to be boring exercise has turned into a great time riding a bike! Several therapists have told us they are skipping the special needs equipment and are using STRIDER bikes as a reward. Children aren't even aware they are still performing important range of motion, flexibility, strengthening, endurance, balance, and many other body mechanic skills by simple riding a STRIDER.
Although the STRIDER was not originally designed as an adaptive needs bike, it has proven to be the perfect bike for people with special needs. The STRIDER is different in that it's not a bike with clunky unstable training wheels, or a heavy tricycle you can't take anywhere-it's an awesome bike for kids, including children with disabilities.
We want everyone to have an opportunity to experience life on two wheels. The number one toddler balance bike responsible for teaching over a million children how to ride will now be joined by two larger models, ensuring we have the bike to fit people of all ages, sizes, and abilities! Strider's trademark simplicity, lightweight design, durability, functionality, and easy adjustability remain featured in each of the two new sizes designed to cater to youth and adults with special needs.
A STRIDER balance bike is the perfect balance of safety, performance, and FUN, without the weight and complications of pedals. The use of a STRIDER bike promotes a natural, safe method to learn to balance and ride.
What defines riding? Does pedaling define riding? Downhill mountain bikers don’t pedal, road bike riders descending a highway don’t pedal, BMX riders in a half pipe don’t pedal, and motorcyclists don’t pedal. They are all riding. So what do they all have in common? The ability to balance on two wheels, and lean through turns regardless of what put them in motion. For children, walking and running are the natural means of propulsion. The simplicity of Strider bikes allows children to concentrate on the fundamental skills of balancing, leaning, and steering while propelling the bike in a natural way.
1. Don’t rush pedaling! Striding and practicing balance is fun! Even if your child appears to be striding like a pro, moving to a pedal bike too soon can derail progress and discourage your child. The weight of a pedal bike is significantly more (sometimes two to three times the weight of a STRIDER) and handling that extra weight can be very frustrating to a child. Let them practice, play, and perfect their balance and bike handling skills while having fun on their Strider bike. Be confident that all time spent on a balance bike will only make them more proficient on a pedal bike the day they decide to transition.
2. Never ever use training wheels! If you feel your child is ready to pedal, we recommend finding the simplest, lightest bike possible. Avoid “bells and whistles” as they all add weight and distraction. We also recommend that pedal bikes have a freewheel hub and a hand brake. Do not buy a bike for your child to “grow into”. A bike that is too large won’t fit properly, will be too heavy, will be unsafe, and will ultimately discourage your child. With the seat at its lowest setting your child should be able to touch the ground flat footed. Remember, training wheels are NOT a solution to a bike this is too large.
3. Keep it fun! Putting kids on a pedal bike too soon will limit where they can go. It is much harder to ride a pedal bike on grass, dirt, or over obstacles than it is on a STRIDER. Keep in mind how important fun and adventure are to a kid. The lightweight simple STRIDER has a “fun factor” simply not available on a heavy pedal bike at a young age. We recommend having both the Strider bike and the pedal bike available to the child so they can choose which they prefer on a given day. We recommend this overlap for at least a year. At some point of the child’s choosing, as they get taller, stronger, more skilled, and more confident, they will complete their transition to a pedal bike.