24024 N 11th St
Phoenix, AZ 85024
The track is located off 7th St, just North of Deer Valley Rd,
turn East on Alameda (in North Phoenix)
Track is open January through Mid-December


Monday - STRIDER Clinics
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday - Clinics
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Wednesday - Practice
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Friday and Saturday - Racing
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm - sign ups, racing
Black Mountain BMX MISSION
To provide a safe, fun filled and family oriented environment for recreational involvement for all ages and abilities, boys, girls and adults alike: while building self-discipline and self-esteem.
To help drive physical fitness, structured and unified sports, wellness, volunteering and family engagement - while giving back to our community through community outreach and engagement.
Our mission is driven by a unique team consisting of all volunteers and together we help build healthy habits, promote physical fitness, social interaction, and help promote family engagement.
Since the early 1980s, our track has provided family oriented BMX racing, run filled recreational activity for all ages and abilities, boys, girls, and adults alike. Black Mountain BMX was built in 1981 and continues to be an important part of our community. We are a non-profit 501c3 organization. Our philosophy is based on physical fitness, fun, family and getting involved to impact others in our community. Our yearly special events engage riders, families and spectators to get involved and give back to others.
BMX racing is currently the fastest growing youth sport in North America and is one of the newest sports in the Olympics. The BMX racing is a sport of youthful achievement and the American family. While the young boy or girl BMX racer develops skills at an individual pace, they are learning about winning, losing and trying again. The racer’s family learns that time spent together in support of the racer and the individual achievements are quality time well spent.
Starting in 2012, a new driving force of grassroots movement took place across our sport and specifically at Black Mountain BMX. The STRIDER no-pedal balance bikes were developed and introduced to the sport of BMX racing and USA BMX added a STRIDER class to the racing format and USA BMX national events and a reduction in the STRIDER membership fees.
The SRIDER no-pedal balance bikes are designed to be the first step in teaching children how to ride a bike and our industry-leading training bikes help developing toddlers and special needs children of all ages - as young as 18 months - to ride on two wheels. With the focus on the fundamentals of balancing, learning and steering without the distractions and complications of pedals or string wheels, we are on the road to teaching developing toddlers and the special needs community, two wheeled balance, coordination, physical activity and confidence.
In 2014 at Black Mountain BMX, our focused mission is to assist children and families being impacted by physical, cognitive or developmental disabilities. With our RIP It NOW Rider Independence Programs, including developing corporate partnerships, adaptive and unified sports, clinics and camps; kids with Special Needs CAN learn to ride a bike. These programs and partnerships are geared to help support a whole new group of developing riders and athletes, while enforcing social interaction and play. Too often people with cognitive or developmental disabilities have been unable to ride a bike or have been told by doctors or other health care professionals that they will never be able to ride a bike on two wheels. With the proper equipment, resources, a proven method to learn, and our community at Black Mountain BMX, this is changing!
Black Mountain BMX OVERVIEW