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To reach the special needs community, while promoting inclusive social interaction, unified sports and play. We want everyone to have an opportunity to experience life on two wheels.


Since the early 1980s, Black Mountain BMX (Triple R Racing, Inc), a non-profit BMX racing facility located in North Phoenix, has provided a safe, fun filled and family oriented environment for recreational involvement of all ages, while building self-discipline and self-esteem.


In 2014, our development team started with marketing efforts to introduce children and adults to the sport of BMX racing and get more families engaged at Black Mountain BMX. Instantly after this mission began, it became apparent to us of a growing need out in the community - teaching kids and adults how to ride a bike. Riding a bike is a child’s prerogative something that provides them with a sense of independence, not to mention physical activity and social interaction.


This community need changed our mission! We want everyone to have an opportunity to experience life on two wheels and we cater to developing toddlers and our special needs families. Little did we know, a foundation was already in place two years prior to help drive our new mission.


In 2012, a new driving force of grassroots movement took place across our sport and specifically at Black Mountain BMX. The STRIDER no-pedal balance bikes were developed and introduced to the sport of BMX racing and USA BMX added a STRIDER class to the racing format.


The SRIDER no-pedal balance bikes are designed to be the first step in teaching children how to ride a bike and our industry-leading training bikes help developing toddlers and special needs children of all ages - as young as 18 months - to ride on two wheels. With the focus on the fundamentals of balancing, learning and steering without the distractions and complications of pedals or string wheels, we are on the road to teaching developing toddlers and the special needs community, two wheeled balance, coordination, physical activity and confidence.


Our strategic partnerships with Black Mountain BMX, USA BMX and STRIDER Sports International help drive our mission and our programs and provide a means for inclusive social interaction, unified sports and play for all ages, through our Rider Independence Programs.  Our programs are dedicated to teaching individuals the balance needed to enjoy a lifetime of riding adventure.



Patrick and his mother Catherine have been an inspiration to the development of our RIP It NOW Rider Independence Programs at Black Mountain BMX.


This is our inspiration. This is Patrick's story.


What about the other riders getting too close? What about the helmet being too tight? What about the protective clothing being itchy? What about him not being able to communicate with the instructor or other riders? These were just a few questions that went through my head as I thought about my son riding BMX. My son loves being outside, I knew the dirt would not be a problem, the speed is something he always seeks. My son is now a seven year old boy with Asperger’s and Sensory Processing Disorder who loves riding BMX at Black Mountain Race track.


The first night we attended the beginner clinic at Black Mountain changed everything for me. It was like something just clicked for Patrick. The coach addressed the group but made a personal connection with each rider out there. I stood behind the fence and just let Patrick go. I was amazed at my son’s ability to ride up and down the track. Patrick just focused on every word coach was saying. I am thankful for Bob who rented the BMX bike to us that night. Bob talked with me while Patrick was participating in the clinic. I am sure that Bob could see the uneasiness on my face. I explained to Bob that Patrick was only six and at age five he had been diagnosed with Asperger’s and Sensory Processing Disorder. Bob immediately engaged in a supportive and encouraging conversation with me. Bob showed me a YouTube video about some kids with ADHD and how they are able to stay focused when riding BMX. The night continued and my son was not constantly looking to me for approval. I sat back and let Patrick do his own thing. We were at the track for three hours that night. That first visit to the track that night was a life changer.


The questions I had at the beginning of the night were based on our daily life. How could my son who struggles with itchy clothing, tight shoes, bright lights, loud noises, crowed places, and social interactions handle all the newness of the experience? Patrick got on the bike and was just filled with a peace and desire to be there and to conquer it.


The last six months has included many clinics with Joe and Mike who have been inspiring and successful. The coaches’ personable and scaffolding technique keeps Patrick engaged and successful. The encouraging and structured approach Mike uses with Patrick pushes him to try harder each time. Patrick’s off the track life has changed drastically as well. We use the track experiences in everyday life. Patrick has engaging positive social interactions with other riders every time we are at Black Mountain. Patrick recalls his first race when he fell and was amazed that a rider stopped and helped him up. He hears the encouragement from staff and fellow riders and has even started encouraging others as well. 


The BMX experience has given him a sense of accomplishment and belonging that he never felt in soccer, t-ball, swimming or karate. Patrick always struggled with fine motor skills and special recognition which made sports and school work challenging. We have seen improvements in his fine motor skills, attention span, concentration, self-confidence and over all character.

I am grateful that my son has found his sport and BMX family. The staff at Black Mountain has changed Patrick and my life forever.


- Patrick’s mother, Catherine -

This segment is about Patrick and the new RIP It Now

Rider Independence Programs at Black Mountain BMX

In January, 2015, Black Mountain BMX is opening our RIP It NOW Track and Village in the center of the existing BMX racing compound. This universal facility will accommodate a variety of programs, camps and clinics: all designed to introduce, train and transition to pedals and racing. With many programs onsite and out in the community, we can reach our surrounding communities and help promote physical activity, social interaction and play - regardless of age or ability.


Our facility development and programs are looking for additional support. Please visit our wish list of items in need. Community and corporate support is also encouraged. Please contact us today about sponsorship or supporting a child with a free bike and helmet.



STRIDER Sports International


STRIDER Sports International, Inc. designs efficient, no-pedal balance bikes that encourage toddlers to ride, learn, and explore the world on two wheels. Founded by Ryan McFarland in January 2007, Strider Sports is a company full of passionate riders of dirt, mountain, street, and road bikes. The goal of Strider Sports is to simplify a bike to its essence, so that proper size, lightweight and simplicity combine to eliminate any fear of riding and instill confidence in young new riders. The original bike built for the inventor’s son evolved through numerous prototypes and was ultimately issued a US Patent. The company then proceeded to brand the product by consistent worldwide use of unique logos and slogans protected by U.S Trademarks. The branding efforts continued with a push to develop a lifestyle of Strider riding events and competitions, which has evolved to include a Strider World Championship Racing event with toddler participants from around the world competing each year. The patented STRIDER™ No-Pedal Bike is now distributed worldwide.




The American Bicycle Association was formed in 1977 and it’s headquartered in Chandler, Arizona. USA BMX is a combination of both ABA and NBL sanctions; which united together in the summer of 2011 - to organize BMX racing for boys, girls, and adults, nationwide and in Canada (under BMXcanada). With over 65,000 active members, nearly 400 racing facilities and a 29 event national race schedule, USA BMX: The American Bicycle Association is the largest promoter of action sports in the world.

All rights reserved      RIP It NOW 2014-2015


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Very special thank you to our partners:




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